
From White Paper to a Billboard: The Evolution of a Mascot

 This post will detail the evolution of Chuk, a mascot I created for a school assignment. He is a proposed mascot for Sport Chek, a Sports Equipment/Athletic Wear store. Chuk is based on the "check", the Sport Chek logo. I turned the check on its side, with the wider part being on top. This gives him a distinctive look while tying into his parent company. The first variation of Chuk that I made was basically the checkmark on its side, with two eyes slapped on. I made multiple versions of Chuk for this, each wearing equipment from a different sport. My idea was to have him wear this different equipment for different advertisements he'd be in. There was a lot of improvement to be made, but I was still happy with the start. After realizing that the different equipment was a little ambitious, I changed his look to a more general one, wearing an athletic shirt and shorts, as well as athletic shoes bearing the Sport Chek logo. I made 4 sketches of Chuk based on 4 Disney charact